The Mac developer community has given us Mac users a ton of great software for our iPods. But what if you wanted the best that freeware had to offer for your iPod? This article offers you a small group of 5 applications that lets your iPod work for you.
iPod Related
Hacking Your iTrip
I’m going to try this with my iTrip.
The Griffin iTrip is great but has a very short range before the signal starts breaking up. In most cases, moving the iPod to the backseat or even the passenger side will cause static and fading in the sound. Here’s how to increase the range to almost 60 feet.
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Griffin RoadTrip
I purchased a Griffin RoadTrip a few days ago and so far I’ve been _loving_ it. It works extremely well in my Toyota, and ‘ok’ in the BMW Z3 (it gets in the way of reverse and blocks the stereo controls).
So far it seems to be built very well and works great in every car I’ve tried it in (except for the BMW).
I’m not too worried about it not working in the BMW though – I plan on getting an Alpine 420i installed soon.